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Dillings Rule Formula, Age Base Pediatric Dose Calculator

Use this age-based pediatric drug dose calculator to calculate the pediatric drug dose using Dillings Rule Formula. It’s an easy drug dose calculator!

Dilling’s formula: Used for calculating a dose of a child from 12-20 years of age.

Dillings Rule

Dillings rule is an age-based formula for calculating pediatric dose of drug.

Dilling’s rule is the easiest and simplest formula for child dose calculation.

Dillings Rule Formula

Dillings rule formula is age of the child in years divided by the 20 multiplied by the adult drug dose equals to the pediatric drug dose. It expressed as beneath:

Drug Dose Calculations, Dilling’s Rule Formula

Childs dose = Age in years / 20 x Adult Dose = Pediatric Dose

Calculation Examples

Learn how to use dilings rule formula: Pediatric drug dose calculation.

Example, A seven year old pediatric patient is admitted to hospital. The dispenser is tasked with determining what dose of the medicine prescribed by the physician. If the adult dose is 100mg and the child weighs forty kilogram, What dose should the Nurse administer to the child using Dilling’s rule?


Child dosage

=7 yrs/20 yrs × 100mg

=35 mg of medicine

General  Tips

  • Check that your answer makes sense clinically.
  • Triple check your work.
  • Have a colleague or pharmacist check your work.
  • Know general therapeutic drug doses for commonly administered medications.

How to Use Pediatric Drug Dose Calculator, Dilling’s Rule Formula?

  • Enter child age in Years.
  • Enter adult drug dose
  • Click on “Calculate” button.
  • The calculator will display the child’s drug dose below.

Click here to calculate your Body Mass Index.

Check our resources if you are interested in different measurements related to Child’s Drug Dose: